I grew up in a Christian home, so my earliest memories related to God. I really don't know a time that I didn't know about Jesus and trust Him to be my Savior. I was publicly made my profession of faith through baptism at the age of eight. I have had ups and downs in my walk and didn't always follow Jesus the way I should. Now my life goal is to serve him completely, let Him transform my life, and to tell everyone I know about Jesus.
I graduated from college with a Bachelor's degree in Habilitation for the Deaf, a minor in physically handicapped and general elementary. Once I graduated in December, I had a job the next month. I taught Deaf Education for 6 years before my husband and I moved to Scotland. While in Scotland, I was able to teach 5th Grade at an American School. We came back home to the States after my husband finished his PhD and I was able to stay at home and start our family. Since having children, I have been blessed to be able to substitute!
Also, coming back to the States, I started interpreting at our church. We have an amazing team of interpreters that I am blessed to work with. At my friend, Sammie's, encouragement, I was able to take my interpreter certification test. I am a level I interpreter and am trying to work towards the next level.
People usually ask me if someone in my family is Deaf. No. My only experience that I can point to of why I love American Sign Language is a boy in my second grade class had Deaf parents and I thought it was really cool that he could talk to them across the room! In high school, I went to a play at a deaf theater and decided that is what I wanted to do. Today, my greatest passion is interpreting worship music. I feel most connected in worship when I can praise Him through sign language.
Last summer, I was able to go to CCCD and teach VBS and do construction at the Knockpatrick campus. Working with the Deaf students there was a dream come true. I can't believe how cool God is that He is allowing me to go back this summer and work with the teachers.
Currently, we are all raising prayer and financial support. I hope you can take time and read about our team. I am truly blessed to go with such wonderful ladies!